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Archive for the ‘Desserts’ Category

“Packet Free” Hot Chocolate

We hosted a Bible Study group at our home last night. It was cold and rainy out and I had a few extra minutes so I whipped up some hot chocolate. It really hit the spot so I thought I would share it here! I hope you enjoy! Ingredients: 1/2…

Chocolate, Chocolate Pumpkin Cookies

Yes, this is another pumpkin recipe…I couldn’t help it :). So, what could be better than pumpkin chip cookies? How about pumpkin chip cookies with chocolate? That is what I thought…so, here they are. This time I also added oatmeal for a different consistency as well. Enjoy! Ingredients: 1 cup…


Quick and Easy Homemade Pie Crust

Homemade Pie Crust doesn’t have to be intimidating. It can be quicker and easier and be lighter and flakier that you could have ever imagined. My family has made it for years and never realized how hesitant people are to take on this baking project! Well, look no further! Last…


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