It is time for Family Fun Friday! I’m so excited to be back & hosting this week! If you’re a mom keep reading because we have some wonderful fun ideas to inspire you with your little ones and family. My blogging friends are linking up craft ideas, fun in the kitchen, preschool & homeschool ideas, and ways to spend time as a family.
My blog is growing but I need your help, please like my facebook page and help spread the word about Thanks so much!
This week I posted a new Skills Chart on Creative Movement and Curiosity to help you assess your preschooler’s skills and readiness for kindergarten. It’s part of a series based on a book I’m reading that has great ideas for teaching your preschooler.
I also posted on a special offer I have from The Honest Company. I have a coupon code that is good through June 30 that allows you to take $10 off your first order. You can also get FREE Trial Products for just the cost of shipping. My friend Laura turned me on to their eco-friendly baby and home products. She says she’s been very happy with all the products. According to Laura, the diapers don’t leak and are healthier alternative to regular disposables. Feel free to take advantage of this special offer before it expires on June 30. To go straight to the offer just click the image below. To go to the post and read more details about the offer go to the post here: The Honest Company

AND, if you haven’t met her already, please meet my co-Host Diane Haller from MyLifeAsRobin’s Wife. I LOVE HER! She’s been a huge help this month as my family and I were evacuated due to forest fire. Diane is a volunteer co-host and she is awesome. Please make sure to stop by Diane’s Facebook page and give her a “Like” when you have a chance {not required but it’s nice to do} :-).
Thanks to all my blogging friends for linking up last week at Family Fun Friday. I have a special YouTube Video for you at Thank You All My Blogging Friends! So many great ideas, crafts and things to do! If you link up, you permit me to use your pictures/ideas as part of future posts and/or social media. Once we have 200 links I will select a winner of some FREE jewelry. This will likely mean I’ll award a prize every other week. We had over 100 bloggers link up last week. You all are amazing – you bless my socks off with your awesome posts!
AND – I have two winners from the past four weeks. Sorry to not have awarded sooner but with the fire and evacuation it’s been a crazy month. Thanks for your patience! If you are selected please contact me within three days so I can get your prize to you. And thanks for linking up!
Our first Winner is Carla from Preschool Powol Packets for her post on Fizzy Dinosaur Eggs – Congratulations Carla! and
Our second Winner is Kari Shifflett from Sour Dough Native for her post on Chili Cheese Biscuit Pie – Congratulations Kari!
Some examples of the jewelry I am giving away. Your link-up and/or comment is your entry to WIN. BTW, I can make wedding party custom jewelry – contact me if you’re interested. π
As always we had a wonderful turnout last week with SO MANY wonderful ideas. If you’d like to “bookmark” these ideas for later on PINTEREST here is a handy button to help you keep track of this list of ideas. To PIN a specific blogger’s post please click through and PIN their post directly from their site. Thanks!
Now on to some fabulous posts for moms.
Featured Bloggers:
1. Faith from The Life of Faith shared her experience in becoming a first time mom – “I thought I was prepared for motherhood” Her post walked me back through some of my own feelings as a new mom. Some of the tenderest moments I’ve experienced as a mom are in the first few weeks of bringing home a new baby. I think you’ll enjoy reminiscing with Faith.
2. Nan from Moms the Word shared a gentle but insightful reminder for women to keep in mind when their husband comes home from a long day at work. With so much going on at that hour, I need a reminder to do this too. I think you’ll enjoy her post “Does your husband love coming home at night?”
3. Lisa Natcharian holds a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology with a concentration in Gifted Education. On her blog Brainstorming the Castle she shares an enlightening post on “Becoming your child’s counselor” – it gave me insight into some of the challenges that a child might face that I had not thought of before. If you’d like more info on counseling your child, this is a post you won’t want to miss.
4. Nancy from There is Grace truly touched my heart with some words of wisdom she borrowed from her grandmother. Don’t miss this wise advice in her post “Grandma’s Wisdom“
5. Joanie Boeckman shared via a guest post on My Joy-Filled Life “How to spend quality time with your kids” – I love this post because I also struggle to balance the needs of a seventeen month old with the needs of a preschooler. Joanie shares some great insight in her post.
6. Paula at Beauty Through Imperfection wrote a post that challenges me to spend more time listening. Be inspired by her post at “What happens when you listen.“
Thanks again for all your wonderful ideas! I hope these Family Friendly and Fun ideas inspire you.
1. Link your blog post. Posts need only be family friendly and/or fun. To increase your chances of being featured at next week’s link party, link a post that is fun for two or more members of your family to do together.
2. Please follow Happy and Blessed Home on Facebook – I post updates for FREE books and other giveaways there that you’ll miss otherwise. Please leave a comment if you’re a new follower so I can follow you back.
3. ROLLING FACEBOOK LIST: If you did not link up last week, please add your link to the “Like My Facebook Page” party. This is a rolling list – you will not need to add to it every week.
4. Help other bloggers find this link party by either adding a link to your post or placing a button on your site. This is not required but very helpful.

5. Visit as many blogs in the HOP as you can! Try to leave a comment on at least two other posts.
6. Win Jewelry! Posts qualify for five entries and comments with an idea for family fun counts as one entry. After we have 200 ideas for family fun, I’ll use a random number generator to pick a winner of FREE jewelry.
7. Tweet, pin, Facebook, and help spread the word if you can.
If you would like to have Happy and Blessed Home delivered to your inbox, simply click here: Subscribe to Happy and Blessed Home by Email
I pray you are blessed by this effort to share ideas on having Family Fun.
In His Grip,
To leave a comment on any post, click the headline of the post and it will take you to a page where you can leave a comment at the bottom of the post. If you like my blog please like my Facebook page at: HappyAndBlessedHome – thanks so much!
I link up to over 100 parties every week. Click on Link Parties and you can add your party or find one to visit every day of the week.
P.S. Bloggers – If you’ve been featured and would like to add a button to show off how awesome you are, just grab the code in the text box below. You’ll want to retype the quotes too if you’re having trouble getting it to show on your page. π
LINK your Family Friendly & Fun Ideas:
RSS Subscribers click this link to get to my blog so you can see all the great ideas.
Here is the link list, please add yours below. Thanks for linking up! If you would like to subscribe to the e-mail reminder I send for this party please send me a note on my “Contact Me” page. Thank you.
Like My Facebook Page LINK PARTY starts here (rolling list – you do not need to add to it every week):