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Your Love Story…

Isn’t it easy to look around and think that others have it made?  They have “such an interesting story”.  There are love stories at every turn and they are beautiful.  Each story is so unique.  In fact, each story uniquely belongs to those who are living it.  Yours can’t even begin to be compared.  This is not because yours is less or not as beautiful, but instead because it wasn’t written with you in mind.

God has entwined our lives behind the scenes and brought us together with the one He had for us.  Or, maybe for you, He is still working…sometimes so behind the scenes that we begin to fear that He isn’t doing anything at all.  It is easy to forget that His plan is perfect.  And, really, He is our best love story.  While an immense blessing, the one we have in this life, is just an imperfect picture of His perfect love toward us.

This simple little quote I came across on Pinterest is a profound reminder that His plan is always best.

“Don’t compare your love story to those you watch in movies.  They’re written by scriptwriters, yours is written by God.”

What looks better on the outside isn’t better for you.  It is His best for those living it.  Let’s walk in gratitude for where God, the Lover of Our Souls, has us.  Let’s thank Him for His perfect work on our behalf and choose have eyes that see Him in our story.

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