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Tonight’s Dinner Prep

Tonight I am on a mission to use the rest of the kale and the remaining peppers. So, we will be having a meal with some really great chicken sausage (my daughter asked if she could have a bowl as a snack!) and at a variety of other ingredients, most of which have already been prepped. I will post later tonight when I finalize the details, but wanted to show the starring line up.

Since the kitchen is already in the “used” state each morning after breakfast, when I have the time, I use that time to prep dinner. This is also usually a time when my little one is napping and my daughter has already begun school. So, this morning, I chopped sausage and peppers and minced garlic for dinner. I also prepped these three for future use.

One is zucchini from my Lombardi Ranch trip and the other apple with a little lime juice to stop it from oxidizing. I have a couple of different thoughts for those shredded items. They will either become zucchini bread of some sort, or the zucchini will become a patty of some sort and the apples will go with the sausage to add some sweetness. Time will tell! The butternut squash went through quite a process, so that will be a separate post.

I am thankful for these moments in the morning when I can pull together healthy items for our meals. By doing this in the morning, instead of waiting until right before my husband comes home, I have found that I have more energy to spend time with him and our children in the evening. This is a nice bonus!

Until later…

One Response

  1. While preparing everything else early was great…I won’t be shredding apples again :). They oxidized pretty badly, even with the lime juice. I did however still use them, and they were fine. 🙂


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