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Posts Tagged ‘breakfast’
Whole Wheat Pancakes with Lemon and Mini Chocolate Chips

Yummy Lemon Pancakes with Mini Chocolate Chips

This morning it was cool and breezy. We spent the first hour of the day cleaning the babies room and reorganize and sort his clothing. Then, it was time for breakfast and pancakes sounded perfect for the day! But, I wanted to try something different this time. I am a…

Peachy Pineapple Smoothie

Peachy Pineapple Breakfast Smoothie

Where we live, we have been experiencing early summer-like weather. Yesterday it was clear and 73 degrees…almost beach weather! It is not quite warm enough to go in the water, but, the other night, my daughter was even able to attend a bonfire at the beach and it only got…

Grilled Sausage, Egg and Cheese on Rosemary Bread

Grilled Sausage, Egg and Brie on Rosemary Bread

It is Saturday around 12:00…time for lunch. It is also time for grocery shopping and the fridge is looking sparse…what to make? There is sausage. There are eggs…and brie cheese. And, we have a loaf of Rosemary Bread from Costco…a sandwich is starting to come together! And, since my daughter’s…

Breakfast for a Crowd from

Italian Breakfast Scramble

As you may have guessed, by my sporadic blogging this week, I am in a bit of a busy season, like the rest of you. 🙂 Life has been filled with many blessings that we have been enjoying. We are finally leading up to a couple of days where we…

Whole Grain French Toast with Cinnamon Cream Cheese

In Honor of “National French Toast Day”, I made, you guessed it…French Toast. But, since I was inspired from compiling this mornings post, it was not just your ordinary french toast. It was super special celebratory french toast made with a wonderful loaf of whole grain bread from a local…

The Alley of Apple Awesomeness

How is that for a silly title? I had to try and top yesterday’s title…”The Perfect Parade of Pumpkin Possibilities…” Not sure I quite made it. 🙂 This morning, as I was sitting here enjoying reading some of my favorite blogs, I realized that I have bypassed other favorite fall…

Pumpkin Pancakes…Yum!

Those cans of pumpkin are calling my name each day. This time they said…put me in pumpkin pancakes…ok, maybe they didn’t, but when I say the Pioneer Woman’s Pancake Post on her blog, I had to try them out. That is more accurate! 🙂 Ingredients (my adaptations are in parenthesis)…

Zucchini Bread – Kicked up a Nutritional Notch

I did some research this morning and came up with this recipe which is a compilation of about 5 of the different recipes I found. I combined the idea of filling the loaves with produce, with using whole wheat flour and then adding a little sweetness with the chocolate chips….


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