And, now starring in a salad near you is……drum roll please….KALE!!! 🙂
You can tell that I am pretty excited about that…can’t you. 🙂 I finally used the kale in a main dish and it was delicious!
2 cups Butter Lettuce (from last week’s box)
2 cups Kale, chopped (from last week’s box)
2 cups Spinach, finely chopped (also from last week’s box)
2/3 cup White Radishes (from two weeks ago)
2 whole Apples, chopped
1 lb Steak, grilled and sliced thin (ours was grilled a day ahead of time for another meal)
1/2 cup Jack Cheese, cubed
1 cup Corn Chips, crushed
2 slices Bacon, chopped
2/3 cup BBQ Ranch Salad Dressing (simple recipe to follow)
First place the greens in a large bowl. I cut/tore the butter lettuce a bit larger than the kale and the kale a bit larger than the spinach. Then, I topped the greens with the apples and the radishes and then topped those with the cheese. While assembling the ingredients, I had the chopped bacon cooking on the stove. Once that was cooked, I removed the bacon and placed it on a paper towel and then reheated the steak in the same pan I cooked the bacon in. It soaked up some of the flavor from the bacon, and because the pan was hot, I was able to reheat it in about 1 minute so it didn’t over cook. Once the meat was cooked, I added that on top of the salad and topped that with the chips. You could serve the dressing on the side and put the salad on the table all arranged like I described, but that is not what I did. 🙂 I tossed the whole bowl of salad with the BBQ Ranch because our family tends to like to have the dressing mixed in completely.
For the dressing equal parts of ranch dressing and your favorite BBQ sauce work well. I made a small batch of Penzey’s Ranch Dressing with buttermilk and light mayo and then mixed that with the BBQ sauce I had in the refrigerator.
This salad was a hit. Three of us were eating dinner and the three of us finished it off! There were no comments about the kale or the spinach…until I mentioned that what was just eaten was kale and spinach. 🙂 I will definitely serve this main dish salad again. Blessings to you!
Do you make your own BBQ Sauce? It’s something I do after living here in Spain and not having great choices of BBQ sauce. I use the Pioneer Woman’s recipe, w/ modifications, and it is super easy and so yummy. I don’t think I could go back to bottled sauce now. Crazy the stuff I’ve done living overseas 🙂
Melissa, I have wanted to try that for some time but haven’t yet. You must have to get pretty creative to have some of the items you are used to having! Thank you for the encouragement to try homemade BBQ sauce. I will try her recipe soon. She has some great recipes, doesn’t she! :). I really enjoy reading her blog! Blessings to you Melissa!
Being here has definitely “forced” me to make stuff I would never have ordinarily made, like BBQ sauce, Cream of Mushroom soup, and pretty much any other type of sauce or pre-made stuff. But I’m so glad because I’ve found some super yummy recipes!!
Totally makes sense. Happy Cooking Adventures!! blessings!
[…] Steak Salad With Spinach and Kale | My Life as Robin's Wife 2/3 cup BBQ Ranch Salad Dressing (simple recipe to follow). Instructions: First place the greens in a large bowl. I cut/tore the butter lettuce a bit larger than the kale and the kale a bit larger than the spinach. Then, I topped the . […]