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Chapter 6 – Look up and Live!

This chapter could easily be titled, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” like that old and wonderful hymn. Hymns are so precious to me and have been such teachers to me through years of singing them at church. They are full of such great biblical truths! Here are the words: O…

Farmer's Market Veggie Refills!

Farmer’s Market Produce Refill

Happy Saturday everyone! Today the sun is shining and the weather is hitting about 75 degrees…it is beautiful! After we enjoyed our Saturday morning cup of Peet’s Coffee, my husband and I went to our local Farmer’s Market to get my knives sharpened and look what we bought…strawberries!! They look…

030213 Summary

Saturday Morning Summary

It is Saturday Morning Summary Time! Here is what was happening around the blog this week… Monday I posted my recipe for easy homemade salsa. Tuesday: The Pantry was cleaned and organized!!! Wednesday it was time for Risotto Style Cheesy Zucchini Rice. On Thursday, I posted my reflections from Because…

Because He Loves Me – We are ADOPTED!

I LOVE the doctrine of adoption. In the past year and a half it has become very real to our family. Our littlest is currently in the bedroom napping…we love him SO much. There is nothing he could do to make us stop. In our minds and hearts, he is…

Clean Pantry (made from a bookcase!)

A Cleaner and More Organized Pantry

Have you ever noticed that the messier your pantry gets, the less creative your cooking is? I have noticed it on more than one occasion about my own pantry and cooking. When it is all cluttered, it is difficult to see what I have to work with. Also, when there…

Because He Loves Me – There is NO Condemnation

I am not sure why, but this has been a very difficult chapter reflection to put into words. I likely comes from my personality that always likes to do things as “perfectly” as possible. And, from the part of me that likes to be appreciated…a little, but not too much…


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