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Irresistable Rocky Road Brownies

Saturday Summary – 3.22.2013

Happy Saturday Everyone! This week flew by and here we are…Saturday! I look forward to the slower speed of Saturdays where we are all home, or at least together somewhere. Usually the school work is done for the week, my daughter can sleep in, and my husband and I can…

It is Well With My Soul by Horatio Spafford

This is one of my all time favorite hymns! It has encouraged my soul over and over again and reminded me of the joy of knowing that because of Christ’s work on the Cross on my behalf, it is well with my soul…even when life’s circumstances don’t make sense. Horatio…

Because He Loves Me – He Will Cleanse Us – Chapter 8

This chapter, again, has been very helpful. I am brought to tears when I think of His kindness in cleansing me. He not only did this fully in Jesus, He also cleanses me daily (really moment by moment) as I choose my way over His and sin. I am overwhelmed…

Purposeful Kindness

Purposeful Kindness

A few weeks ago, our littlest and I were shopping at Target as we often do while my daughter is in her science class. I picked up a book for him to look at while I was finishing up, intending to buy it when I reached the checkout counter. While…

Because He Loves Me – Chapter 7 – Be Who You Are

Hurrah for grammatical distinctions! (Anyone who knows me would not be surprised I just wrote that very cheesy phrase.) Who would think that two terms such as indicative and imperative would be so important to our understanding of the gospel. By God’s grace, we have been told who we are…

Mom’s Monday Mingle – I’m Co-Hosting!

Check out all of these great blogs! Would YOU like to “Co-host” with us? Email Jessica We are booking now. Great way to make new friends and readers!   Please help spread the news on this growing hop! Please tweet about this hop! Tweet RULES: 1. Please follow each…


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