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“Pin it Again” Friday Link Party!

Welcome to an ALL NEW type of Linky List! This is a “Pin it Again” Linky list…Here are the directions: 1. Go to your Pinterest Account and click on a PIN (or two) that you would like to link up. 2. Copy the URL of that particular PIN. 3. Past…

All NEW Linky Party…Starts today at 3:00 Pacific Time!

I am VERY excited to announce that starting today my all new “Pin it Again” Friday Link Party goes live! Please stop by and post your Pinterest Links and PIN the links of all of the other participants! Hope you can make it! Blessings!

Because He Loves Me – Week 9

God is so good to keep teaching us. I have said that before, but today, I say it again. I am so grateful He doesn’t leave me where I am, but he loves me enough to continue to remind me of His love. Even when we forget, and lose our…


I am SO Thankful We Grew Oranges!

Here they are…four of the most yummy oranges…there are about 30 more to harvest this year…so much fun! Now, I can’t stop using them in recipes or to spruce up a simple dish…so, expect oranges and fresh squeezed orange juice and orange zest to make some appearances in the coming…

To New York in the Snow…

Some time back, before I was married, I traveled several times a year for business. Usually I would try to tack on a few vacation days in front or back of the trip and visit someone who lived near my destination. This time in particular I was headed to Nyack,…

Great Saturday Morning Deal!

Great Saturday Morning Deal – Little Tykes

Yesterday I was online looking for a deal on a Little Tykes basketball hoop for our littlest…I found that Toys-r-Us had them for the best deal at $29.99 down from 39.99. So, today, we were off to find this deal! I went into the store and found that they weren’t…


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