Our old home has a new family. We have moved. We are SO excited to have begun our new adventure…especially because it has been so evident that God has moved us here. The sale of our home is almost finalized and I am feeling a little nostalgic so I wanted to share a few photos of the place we have called home for the past 4 years. It is a lovely home that has welcomed hundreds of family and friends inside it’s walls and into our hearts.
This is the first home we purchased together and the home where we welcomed our sweet baby Joseph into our family. It is also the home where our sweet foster baby Angel was nursed back to health so he could then join his aunt’s family after 8 months. It was the home where our daughter grew into a young woman and our son earned his Eagle Scout and graduated from High School. It is the home where we welcomed our Bible study group each week for years. We watched children be born and people grow in their knowledge of the Bible and their love for Jesus and each other. It was also the home where our friends gathered to celebrate the passover and learn how this tradition was a picture of our Lord Jesus. We hosted our daughter’s high school friends and had sleepovers. We baked cookies…lots of cookies. We enjoyed New Year’s Eve parties and friends spending the night after ringing in the new year. We celebrated holidays with family and even welcomed our dog patriot as a puppy. It has been such a wonderful four years. We are so grateful to the Lord for the full life He has given us and especially those He has given us to share it with.
Here is the Living Room where we had fires in the fireplace and spent time reading. It is also the room where we hosted our sweet Bible study. I can picture it so full of the love and laughter that was present every week.
Here is the dining room where we have shared so many wonderful meals with our dear family and friends. Look past the dining room and you will find the family room where we watched many movies and where little Joseph would fall asleep on the ottoman as a baby. There are so many amazing memories that were made here.
And, here are the bedrooms where we got our much needed rest.
Here is the bonus room which has been such a blessing for us. It is where the children gathered for Bible study and where so many played ping pong, Foosball, and darts. And, it is the room our oldest son called home when he was home from college…it even welcomed our friend Billy for a summer.
And, don’t forget the backyard…our garden, the raspberries that we thought had died only to have them come back stronger the next year, our trampoline, our 5th anniversary apple tree and I can’t forget the avocado tree, orange tree and lots of grass…so many hours of play happened out there. Our sweet playhouse and tractor, given to us by dear friends were the center of so many happy play dates with my Mom’s Inc. Table and our friends…our friends the Bassols even came and took some of their own photos by request of their son…they too have many memories in our home.
And, the kitchen. The place where all of the recipes featured here were created, cooked and photographed. It was a bright and airy room where we ate most of our meals as a family…right there at the corner table. We had so many wonderful and live-giving conversations right there. And, many a meal was served to those we love.
I write this out of thankfulness. We now pass the torch to a sweet family who will now also call this house their home. Their family is excited to make it their own and use it to its fullest and we are so thrilled! It was a gift from God to be able to meet one member of their family and to know how excited they are!
So, we pass the torch…or the welcome mat. It is my prayer that they will enjoy the blessings of this home and that it will serve as a place to grow as a family and to reach out to others. Soon, we hope to be in our new home too…I am looking forward to seeing how God will use this new season in our lives.