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Month of Thanksgiving – Day 7

Today I am thankful for our daughter’s classes she takes to supplement our homeschooling. Her first class is Anatomy and Physiology, which is taught by a college professor who has been teaching for 20+ years. He has a heart for high school students and teaches this class out of that heart that treasures helping them to learn and catch his excitement about the sciences. Our daughter comes home talking about the “rabbit trails” that they have gone on in their class and how so many of those little “extras” help her to remember all that she is being taught.

The second class she attends on Wednesdays is Choir. She learns technique and teamwork as the members work together to sound as one voice and she is making friendships that are a blessing to her. We are so grateful that she can participate in this wonderful choir and that it places a song in her heart on so many days.

It is classes like these that are such a blessing to a home schooling family. They come alongside and fill in where it would be difficult for our family to meet a need. For us, I am not especially gifted in the sciences and that happens to be a favorite class of our daughter. So, this opportunity is perfect! And, choir…we would need to have more children to have one of those at home. 🙂

Hope that you too are having a month of Thanksgiving! We all have so many things to be thankful for…most of which cannot be bought. Blessings to you!

One Response

  1. Wish we had things like that! Really be thankful!


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