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It’s Cake Pop Time!

Tonight and tomorrow my husband and I are serving at a small marriage conference that is being held at our church. One of the ways I get to serve this time, is by bringing cake pops!

Here is how they turned out:

Have you ever enjoyed The Pioneer Woman’s Chocolate Sheet Cake? How about my Fluffy 4 ingredient Peanut Butter Frosting? Well, guess what…for the first time, the two are staring together. Right here, in this yummy two bite treat. Meet, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cake Pops.

This is how I assembled them.

First, Take one prepared cake ball and one stick in your hands. Dip your stick in melted chocolate and then place it into the bottom (any side you would like to be the bottom ) of your cake ball.

Then, holding the cake ball by the newly inserted stick, submerge the cake ball into the melted chocolate dipping it all the way under in one motion. Remove it in one motion as well. Tap the middle of the stick on the side of the bowl and the excess chocolate will come off of the ball.

Poke the stick into a block of styrofoam for drying. Repeat 53 more times…well, that is how many times I repeated.

Once the chocolate is hardened, you can decorate. I melted white chocolate in a quart sized Ziploc bag and then snipped the very tip of the end off of one corner and used it to drizzle. You can drizzle about 5 of them before you need to stop and go back to put sprinkles on the ones you have drizzled. I then placed a drop of chocolate on the top and added a small red heart to fit the theme of the conference we are attending. You could choose from many types of sprinkles.

I then placed them in food safe packaging and tied them with ribbons. I can’t wait to deliver these yummy treats and have them enjoyed! I am kind of funny like that!


10 Responses

  1. melissa says:

    so fun!! i should make them here in spain; no one has ever even seen something like that over here!! love it.

    • That is a great idea Melissa! Making cake pops is so fun and a great creative outlet! And…they are yummy! You could come up with combinations that fit the flavors of Spain as well. One of my favorites, besides the chocolate and peanut butter was a pumpkin cake with white chocolate and cinnamon. What flavors would go over well in Spain?

      • melissa says:

        i’m not sure about which flavors; this type of baking is COMPLETELY foreign over here. their baking and desserts are quite different. so probably something very basic. not many people appreciate the taste of peanut butter nor do they like super rich/sweet flavors. so maybe a basic white cake w/ choc frosting?

      • That sounds good. Another option might be to add some cinnamon to the batter…that can tone down the sweetness…or, even some orange zest. The outside is tempered chocolate. You are able to order that online. 🙂

  2. I would print the page and eat it, if I could. I love cake pops, thanks for the nice memory. Had my first one in Nashville this year and one quickly turned into 6. Love your blog!

  3. Such a lovely presentation! Makes it look twice as delicious!


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