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Go Tell it on the Mountain

Go Tell it on the Mountain is another favorite song. It calls us to spread the word…Jesus is born! The shepherds were watching and waiting. They knew He was to arrive. When He did, they dropped everything to go and see this precious newborn.

I can’t help but see such an opposite reaction in modern times. We celebrate that Jesus came into the world and the busyness of the celebration causes us to run from Him instead of to Him. Though we hardly plan it that way, with all that the season holds, it seems to happen. The parties, feasts and gift giving are all such sweet parts of the season, but, oh how we must guard this precious time and be sure that we are turning our eyes toward Him and that our actions yell from the mountain tops that He is our best gift and He has come. We have hope. God sent us salvation that blessed Christmas morn!


Go, tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain,
That Jesus Christ is born.

While shepherds kept their watching
o’er silent flocks by night,
Behold, throughout the heavens
There shone a holy light


The shepherds feared and trembled,
When lo! above the earth,
Rang out the angels chorus
That hailed our Savior’s birth.


Down in a lowly manger
The humble Christ was born
And God sent us salvation
That blessed Christmas morn.

There are not enough words to express my gratitude to the Lord for taking me out of my helpless state and drawing me into the kingdom of His love. He gave me Himself. Go tell it on the mountain! There is hope. Christ has come, He lived a perfect life, He died and He rose again. Go tell it on the Mountain! Jesus Christ was born!


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