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Day 8 – Month of Thankfulness

This is going to sound strange…but stick with me…I may seemingly ramble a bit :).

Today I am thankful for forgetfulness…yes, you read that right. 🙂 My mom has always said that she doesn’t remember the difficult things I did when I was a child and young adult and I could never understand that. I could remember, but she didn’t. Because I could remember, I always thought that somehow, she was just choosing not to think about them, but still remembered. Well, now I know better! 🙂

This week, it happened to me! I forgot too! My husband and I were talking about our daughter’s study habits and contemplating how to help her strengthen some areas. We were thinking back to the areas of strength and weakness that our son had when we were homeschooling him…and…it happened, all we could clearly remember were the strengths and the blessings. That was a revelation to me and I am so grateful!

I have always wondered if I would be able to someday forget the difficulties that happen on a day to day basis in any family. Being in the midst of some difficult days at times I didn’t think it would be possible. But, now, I have experienced it…the joy of being forgetful.

So, today I am thankful that we forget…the difficult things that is. 🙂 (I am very thankful for the memories too!):)

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