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Archive for the ‘Soups and Chowders’ Category
Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash and Apple Soup (with Curry)

I am not sure if any of you have noticed the large butternut squash in the background of many of my photos…it has been there for weeks. It has been there so long that I stopped noticing it until I saw it in one of my photos…sad, huh! When I…

Smoked Turkey Soup_wm

Smoked Turkey Soup

I have mentioned my husband’s Smoked Turkey several times…and where there is smoked turkey, there is also Smoked Turkey Soup. After I carved the turkey and we had the meat all set out for our New Year’s Eve Sandwich Station, I placed the bones in the freezer for safe keeping…


Tonight’s Chili

You know that you are the child of a food blogger when you look at your dinner and say to your mom…this would be a perfect picture for your blog Mom! Can I get your camera? That is what my daughter did tonight. 🙂 I have already blogged my chili…

Easy Chicken Vegetable Soup

When it rains, soup is one of my favorite things to make for dinner. Especially Chicken Noodle Soup. Each time I make it, it takes on some type of variation with different noodles or veggies or maybe I add rice. Generally I made it after I roast a chicken…but today,…


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