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Archive for the ‘Recipes’ Category

Idaho Sweet Potatoes

These potato patties made with garnet yams and onion are a nod to my grandmother’s Idaho Potato recipe made with russet potatoes.  Since garnet yams have less starch and moisture in them, I used a shredded onion to add back in some of that moisture.  These were a hit. First:…

Mini Apple Crumble – The Flavors of Fall in a Jar!

Our friends, the Smith’s, came over for a quick dinner last night so I decided to make a new dessert…one that was portable since we had to run out the door to a home school meeting shortly after dinner. So…the Mini Apple Crumble was born. First, peel 15 Granny Smith…

"Substitute Grandma Buns"

Grandma’s Buns

Our family spent the Labor Day weekend at my Mom and Dad’s home.  It is the home where I grew up and the home My husband now calls the “Salva retreat center”.  Their home is very clean, quiet and always has wonderful smells coming from the kitchen.  Both my Mom…


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