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Archive for the ‘Month of Thanksgiving 2012’ Category

Day 30 – Month of Thanksgiving…Lessons Learned

There is one profound truth I learned by participating in a month of giving thanks in my blog posts. I am NOT as thankful as I thought I was. At times it was not easy to think of what I am thankful for, beyond my relationship with the Lord and…

Day 29 – Month of Thanksgiving…from my Husband

Today, My husband asked if he could share what he is thankful for. Of course, I said yes. 🙂 Robin says he is thankful for a beautiful wife (he made me type this… 🙂 ), the blessing of having children and now a little one added to the quiver (our…

Day 28 – Month of Thanksgiving…time to make a list!

When I am struggling to be thankful, the best way to stir thankfulness up in my heart is to begin listing all of the blessings I have. It never fails! So, here is my list of the top 10 (ok, 21) things I am thankful for tonight. 1. Jesus, Who…

Day 27 – Month of Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful for flexible schedules. School has been a bit arduous lately. We have been getting through it, but not without conflict and extended hours of work due to wandering minds. My husband and I were discussing this last night and had a big “aha moment”. I can…

Day 26 – Month of Thankfulness

Today, I am thankful for seasons. While we don’t truly experience them as far as the weather goes, the holidays and the events of life keep us in check, reminding us that the leaves really are turning colors somewhere and the snow will begin falling soon, again, somewhere else. Now,…

Day 25 – Month of Thanksgiving – Memories

Today I am thankful for memories. As an adult I can look back through the years and remember so much from my childhood. I can take this for granted. Even now, as I am writing it seems like a “no brainer” that I would remember. But, it really is a…

Day 24 – Month of Thanksgiving

Today, our littlest woke us up at 4:30 am. To many, including me usually, this would be a very sad thing…too early! Well, this morning, my husband coaxed me out of bed with the promise of a Peet’s Coffee date and a drive with our littlest. So, off we went…arriving…

Day 23 – Month of Thanksgiving

Even though, this may seem a bit repetitive…today, I am thankful that our oldest son is home this week for Thanksgiving. I am grateful for the time to catch up with him and walk through life with him. I am so grateful for who the Lord is growing him into…

Day 22 – Month of Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful to The Lord Jesus Christ for saving me from the power and penalty of my sin. Because of this incredible gift, I have peace and joy in this life, regardless of circumstances, and hope for the life to come when I leave this earth. Praise God…

Day 21 – Month of Thanksgiving

Today, I am thankful for my wonderful Sister-in-law and Brother-in-law and their daughters! God has been so good to me to give me such wonderful, supportive and thoughtful family (through marrying my husband)! Monday was my birthday and look what I arrived home to find! These were waiting for me…


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