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Why do I give my son gluten?

Why do I give my son gluten? This is a picture of our youngest son. He just turned 6. As a family we took him to The Spaghetti Factory. We have spent many special times here. It was a special occasion so I let him order whatever he wanted…this time…

Have you lost your joy

Have you lost your joy?

I wake up in the morning and launch into my day. Check in on social media…breakfast and lunches to make. Showers to take…mine can wait. Is everyone ready to get out the door to their commitments? Animals…did they eat? Do they have water? One to take to kindergarten…hope we make…

Beef and Sweet Potato Chili

This Beef and Sweet Potato Chili wins the award for my all time favorite chili. Beefy, spicy, rich and comforting…SOOOO good! My family has been Whole30 compliant for the last couple of months. With the weather turning cold, I was missing chili…not beans, but the flavors of chili. Thus, this…

Pumpkin Spice Cashew Coffee Latte

Pumpkin Spice Cashew Coffee Latte

It is PSL time and I enjoy a good Pumpkin Spice Latte as much as the next person. But, I don’t like to get my pumpkin flavor from a sticky syrup with no pumpkin in it and my sweetener from refined sugar. And, why not have real pumpkin and add…

I was uninvited to my sons bday party

I was uninvited to my son’s birthday party

Can you believe it…I was uninvited to my son’s birthday party! I was so shocked! It happened just like that! Let me give you some background. Yesterday was my son’s 6th birthday…we celebrated as a family on Sunday after church and it was a blast…we played mini golf, we played…

Creamy Basil Horseradish Salad Dressing

Creamy Basil Horseradish Salad Dressing

I am so excited to be sharing my Creamy Basil Horseradish Salad Dressing with you today! This month my husband and I embarked on a Whole30 journey! I have done two rounds and this one is my third to date. I have learned so much and changed my food habits…

when life disappoints you and those you love

Has life disappointed you or those you love?

Contentment celebrates grace. The contented heart is satisfied with the Giver and is therefore freed from craving the next gift. Has life disappointed you or those you love? This statement made by Paul Tripp in New Morning Mercies just jumped out at me. It is my continued longing to be…

why safer personal care and beauty products matter to me

Why safer personal care and beauty products matter to me

Why do safer personal care and beauty products matter to me? The matter to me because once you know, you can’t go back. Once I knew that according to the Environmental Working Group the hair cream I was using on my son had chemicals in it that contribute to developmental…

Its harder to stay where you are

It is harder to remain as you are

Do you ever have this conversation with yourself…it is SO HARD to change. It is SO HARD to exercise. Or, it is SO HARD to eat healthy. Or, it is SO HARD to keep your home clean? Or, It is SO HARD to…insert your challenge? Well, I’m working to change…

How to Make Applesauce in an Instant Pot

How to Make Applesauce in an Instant Pot

Have you ever wondered how to make applesauce in an Instant Pot? When I first got my Instant Pot, one of the first things I made was applesauce. I googled multiple recipes and compared them and decided on a direction to and went for it. I am so glad I…


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