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The Beauty of Creation

The Beauty of Creation

The Beauty of Creation

When reflecting on our week-long camping trip we realized that when home we take much care in making ourselves clean, putting make up on (diane), doing our hair and picking just the right clothes, etc. While home, we must work to take notice of the world around us and even more work to notice nature/creation.

By contrast, while camping we take little care to ourselves and our clothing and are captured by the creation around us which brings us to constant worship of our Amazing Creator. What a difference. God is SO good to give us these times to remember HIM and forget ourselves.

This time away was such great preparation for the weeks that have followed. In the last two weeks our oldest son moved into the dorms at college, our daughter began her sophomore year of high school (we home school), and our little son moved into his own room and out of ours. There are so many changes to navigate and to adjust to. I have been overwhelmed at times, tearful at others and quite joyful for God’s goodness to us. Sometimes all of these emotions come within minutes of one another!

Getting away and enjoying our family and creation was just the right recipe for the needed preparation of heart. In the coming weeks and months the changes will continue to roll…as will my tears and laughter, often at the at the same time.

When preparation becomes presumption

Anyone who knows even a little about me knows that I like to be prepared. The desire to be organized runs deep within me. I like to be on time, actually early. Everything must have a place. Our schedule needs to be planned ahead…so I can be prepared enough to be spontaneous. So, when it comes to moving…why would I be any different. Yet, now I am pondering, in my quest for a smooth transition, have I crossed over into the world of presumption?

The Faithfulness of Jeremiah

The last couple of weeks, Sunday’s messages at church have been from the book of Jeremiah.  He is aptly called the Weeping Prophet.  He had God’s Message to proclaim and the people did not want to hear it.  They wanted to hear from the false prophets that were proclaiming peace and…

Psalm 1 – Walking with the Wise

I am so grateful for Psalm 1. This may seem like an unnecessary statement. Yet, this morning as I read Psalm 1 again,  I am reminded of the wisdom there is in surrounding oneself with those who are wise.  I must walk, stand and sit with the wise, not the wicked,…

Back to Blogging

This is an attempt to return to blogging.  I sincerely enjoy writing about what the Lord is teaching me through His Word and through life.  More than anything it helps to cement lessons more deeply as I ponder them more thoroughly in order to put them into words.  So, please…


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