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Shredded Pork Breakfast Bowl

Shredded Pork Breakfast Bowl

My husband had the day off from work today so he an my littlest slept in a bit and then relaxed before getting up and dressed for the day. It was a nice slow start to a full day! At about 10:00, we decided it was time for breakfast and…

Roasted Sausages with Potatoes and Cabbage

Sheet Pan Sausages with Potatoes and Cabbage

Any recipe that starts with the words “Sheet Pan” is a winner in my book and these Sheet Pan Sausages with potatoes are no exception! I was surprised how much flavor the clarified butter, mustard and garlic gave to the cabbage and potatoes…so good! I used brown mustard instead of…

Slow-Cooker Chicken Chile Verde Salad

Slow-Cooker Chicken Chile Verde Salad

I learned something new today! Slow-cooker chicken doesn’t stink! It isn’t always gross! It doesn’t always have a weird texture…how did I go through so many years thinking that? Today I made the Slow-Cooker Chicken Chile Verde from, yes, you guessed it, Whole30 Fast and Easy and it wasn’t dry…

Whole30 is changing our lives

Whole30 is changing our lives

In September of 2016, after a disturbing lab report from the doctor, I knew I needed to make changes if I wanted to be healthy and live. I embarked on my first Whole30 (learn more about Whole30 here) and it was truly eye opening. First, I stuck to it for…

Pineapple Chipotle Slaw

Pineapple-Chipotle Slaw

This past Sunday my family went to my parents home for lunch and we planned to bring lunch since we are in the beginnings of our Whole30 and are a little difficult to cook for.  I decided on bringing the Slow-Cooker Apple-Cider Pulled Pork based on the recipe from Whole30…

Why I deprive myself

Why I deprive myself

This post could also be called, “why I do the Whole30”. Kinda the same, right? 🙂 Isn’t that really what an elimination diet or a reset is? A form of depriving ourselves for a time to reach a goal? We take away an immediate desire to gain a long term…

Slow-Cooker Moroccan Chicken

Slow-Cooker Moroccan Chicken

I will start this post off with the confession that I have NEVER made anything Moroccan before.  I have eaten it, and know what it tastes like, but have NEVER cooked it. There, I said it!  Because of Dana Monsees from Real Food with Dana, that is no longer true! …

Fast and Easy Mexican Chicken Soup

Fast and Easy Mexican Chicken Soup

This month’s recipes are all about the January Whole30 and they are all about Fast and Easy. Click here to learn more about the Whole30 Reset Program. This Mexican Chicken Soup was more delicious that I imagined it would be. The broth is rich and flavorful and is reminiscent of…

Big Meatballs with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

Big Meatballs with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

Big Meatballs with Roasted Cherry Tomatoes came to the rescue today! I just re-read that sentence and laughed…that sounds pretty silly…but I’m leaving it. 🙂 Today I took the morning and early afternoon to spend some time with our littlest son. It is the last weekday of his Christmas vacation…

Sheet Pan Pork Chops with Potatoes and Rainbow Carrots

Sheet Pan Pork Chops with Potatoes and Rainbow Carrots

Any recipe that starts with Sheet Pan is a win in our book! What busy mom doesn’t dream of putting all your ingredients on one pan and popping it in the oven and out comes dinner! Right…who is with me? I am on day 7 of 30 of making a…


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