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Are Shishito Peppers Spicy?

Last night I did it again. I was cooking dinner and I spied the peppers in my refrigerator that I bought at Lombardi Ranch. They were on the medium size and looked a bit like Jalapenos (not pictured here). Since they were larger, I falsely assumed that they wouldn’t be that hot. I bought a bag with about a dozen peppers in it. I knew I wanted to make salsa and these would be perfect. They would also be good in eggs and other things. Well, last night, as I was making taco salad, I decided to try one before adding it to the meat. I was wrong…they were HOT! I didn’t even have to bit into the slice I put in my mouth to know I had made a big mistake! How could I do this again?

Not completely believing that they could be that hot, my daughter, who has a major tolerance for hot food, touched her finger to the pepper and tasted her finger. Mom was right, they were HOT! She quickly acknowledged that we needed to be done with those hot peppers! Enter the farm box. Do you remember that it contained peppers? And, these Shishito Peppers are small. They don’t smell hot, but I don’t dare taste them without a little research.

No need to fear, I did a google search and happened upon many websites that hailed the wonders of the Shishito Peppers. Apparently they are quite a tasty treat. So, Food Gal to the rescue. Follow the link and you will find all you ever wanted to know about Shishito Peppers. I will be making these milder peppers later this week and I can’t wait. I am no longer afraid. The mistake of burning my mouth will not return, this time.

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