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Goals for Christian Marriages

Our Life Group from church is doing a practical study on building teamwork in our marriages. On Thursday night, during our weekly meeting, we spent some time brainstorming our goals for our marriages. It was an encouraging time to spur one another on toward teamwork in our homes. There are supporting verses from the Bible listed for each goal. While each passage listed is not specifically a command related to marriage, each one does offer practical application for the people of God and can be particularly applied in a home that is founded upon the Word of God and seeks to be honoring to Him. Perhaps as you read you will have some additional insights. Jot them down and join the discussion!

Our overarching goal: Seek to relate to one another in our marriages as Christ relates to the church and the Church relates to Christ.
o Seek God first – remember that He is our first love.
(Matthew 6:33)
o Be Kingdom minded – don’t get caught in the day-to-day and miss the big picture.
(Matthew 6:30)
o Trust the Lord – We will remove pressure from our spouses when we trust the Lord.
(Proverbs 3)
o Seek peace in our homes – Resolve problems or disagreements.
(Prov. 21:9, Psalm 34:14, Romans 12:18)
o Maintain joy in the Lord – When joyful in the Lord, we will not seek its source in people.
(Psalm 32:11, Psalm 33:1)
o Pray together – understand what is on each other’s hearts and learn what is important to one other. (Romans 12:12)
o Pray for each other – interceding throughout the day.
(Romans 12:12)
o Togetherness – because we are one, we work at working together and living life together.
(Genesis 2:24)
o Men – Live with your wife in an understanding way.
(1 Peter 3:7)
o Women – Respect our husbands as the head of our homes.
(Eph. 5:33)
o Have a home that is not divided. Be sure that your goals are unified.
(Psalm 133:1, John 17:33)
o Communicate with one another – Give and receive communication. Listen.

Please join in and post your thoughts on goals for strengthening the teamwork in your marriage. Or, maybe you aren’t married, but have made some helpful observations from the Bible or life. We long to have joyful homes where marriages our marriages are a blessing and Christ is proclaimed. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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