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Day 24 – Month of Thanksgiving

Today, our littlest woke us up at 4:30 am. To many, including me usually, this would be a very sad thing…too early! Well, this morning, my husband coaxed me out of bed with the promise of a Peet’s Coffee date and a drive with our littlest. So, off we went…arriving at Peet’s around 5:00 am. It was a foggy, quiet morning…no need to pay the meters it was so early! Even though we were tired, I am so thankful for this early morning coffee date. It was such a blessing to talk through things we had been too busy to talk about and to have each other’s undivided attention while we drove and our baby slept in the car seat.

So, today, I am thankful for early morning wake up calls and for coffee dates that happen while the rest of the world silently sleeps. I am thankful for early morning conversations and for undivided attention.


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