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Day 11 – Month of Thanksgiving…Surprise Visits

Today, I am thankful for family and unexpected visits. We received a great surprise phone call that my brother and three of his girls were going to be in town and wanted to come for a visit. Of course, we were thrilled and couldn’t wait for them to arrive. We went to the park, out for ice cream at Handel’s, and cooked dinner together. The meatball soup and salad were a delicious warm ending to a full day in the crisp weather.

Then, we received a second surprise…they were going to spend the night! We pulled out the blankets and made the sofa into a huge bed for his four girls and my daughter. They all snuggled in and watched a movie and then went to sleep.

My brother and I have memories of our grandmother’s wonderful breakfasts…there were Idaho Potatoes, and perfect fried eggs made by my grandfather cooked in bacon grease to make them extra special. So, in remembrance of our childhood, we rose early and made a huge breakfast with all the fixings this morning. We also had Idaho Potatoes and Fried Eggs, but this time…my brother carried the tradition of the eggs and I made the potatoes. We had Hot Chocolate and the pancakes were also important as they come from days gone by when our nieces were little and we would make them together at their home. I couldn’t help but feel like it was Christmas around here. It was one of my all-time favorite mornings! I would like to say that the children awoke to the smells of bacon and potatoes…but, instead, they awoke to the banging of pans…oops!

So, today, I am thankful for our family and for surprise visits! I will always treasure these visits and will always treasure the family that God has given us. We are richly blessed!

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